1 Sept 2013

Many women that have straight hair are ‘desperate’ to have curls

Many women that have straight hair are ‘desperate’ to have curls, but for those who have tried to make curls by themselves at home, know how much time and how hard it can be to make awesome curls. But with this technique you will have curly hair in less then ten minutes. All you need is a flat iron and metallic paper roll such as the one in the picture. Start by separating your hair into same-size section and then cover is section with metallic paper roll so your hair won’t get burn but also makes the curls look natural and neutral. After doing so, use your flat iron in each of the section by pressing it tight-do the same for each section and then take off the metallic paper. You will see how shinny and natural your curls will look! It is a very easy method that doesn’t require any special skills. You don’t have to go and buy any product because nearly every girl has a flat iron and every kitchen has metallic paper roll. Try and you will see how amazed you will be with your new curly hair. It is perfect to use for a change of look or even daily because the metallic paper will protect your hair from burning.
How to Make Awesome Curls -Using Flat Iron






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